We constantly send each other social signals—do you know what signals you are sending to others?

The right cues can make you more memorable, help you make a lasting first impression and ensure your ideas are heard and taken seriously. 

Highly charismatic people use powerful body language cues that make them both impressive and relatable. They create a vocal charisma that makes them both sound friendly and powerful. They speak so people listen. 

What signals are being sent to you?

Vanessa Van Edwards wants you to make sure you know how to read cues.

Tune in and discover Vanessa’s answers to questions such as:

  • Which vocal cues make you sound more confident in video calls and on the phone?
  • How do we know what visual cues we are sending in our profile pictures, clothing and professional brand?
  • Can our emotions change the way our voice sounds?
  • And much, much more!

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About the Author: Vanessa Van Edwards

Vanessa is Lead Investigator at Science of People. She is the bestselling author of Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People, translated into 16 languages, and Cues: Master the Secret Language of Charismatic Communication. More than 50 million people watch her engaging YouTube tutorials and TEDx Talk. Vanessa works with entrepreneurs, growing businesses, and trillion-dollar companies; and has been featured on CNN, BBC, CBS Mornings, Fast Company, Inc. Magazine, USA Today, Entrepreneur Magazine, The Today Show, and many more. Vanessa is renowned for teaching science-backed people skills to audiences around the world including SxSW, MIT, Harvard, and CES. Her groundbreaking workshops and courses have taught half a million students worldwide how to succeed in business and life by understanding the hidden dynamics of people. Vanessa's endlessly fascinated with the science of people. Her mission is to help introverts leverage their strengths, show high achievers how to activate their secret skills, and teach awkward people to feel more confident. Vanessa lives in Austin, Texas with her daughter and husband of 10+ years.